Valued Partners are Tec suppliers who, by joining the institution’s initiatives, aim to have more than just a good business relationship.
By Ricardo Treviño | CONECTA NATIONAL NEWS DESK - 03/07/2024 Photo Courtesy of Strategic Sourcing , Shutterstock

Through the Valued Partners strategy, Tec de Monterrey aims to promote the participation of its suppliers and commercial partners in the institution’s initiatives.

This strategy, led by the Strategic Sourcing division, encourages suppliers and commercial partners to feel part of the Tec community, experience its values, and join its initiatives.

“We want not only to have an excellent commercial relationship but also for Valued Partners to be part of the Tec’s objectives and strategies,” said Roberto Morales, Director of the institution’s Supply Chain.

Contributions to scholarships, volunteer work, social support, and good sustainability practices are some of the actions of these partners.

There are currently more than ten thousand commercial partners who, in various areas, have a relationship with all Tec institutions and aim to be part of this strategy.


Valued Partners are suppliers and commercial partners participating in the institution’s initiatives.
Los Socios de Valor son proveedores y aliados comerciales que participan en iniciativas de la institución.

Valued Partners: suppliers who are part of the Tec

Just like students and parents, valued partners are also one of the institution’s audiences who require good commitment and a strategic relationship, Morales said.

“It’s very important for us that they feel part of the institution, understand the Tec’s values, connect, and get involved in strategies,” he said.

As part of the relationship established between the two partners, a code of ethics is signed, in which they agree to have a good business relationship and be loyal to the institution’s values.

Currently, the Valued Partners strategy promotes initiatives in five areas:

  • Philanthropy
  • Tec Volunteering
  • Training partners
  • Sustainability
  • Diversity


“In addition to an excellent commercial relationship, we also want the Valued Partner to be part of the Tec’s objectives and strategies.”


Initiatives in which Valued Partners participate


- Philanthropy: scholarships for talented students

As part of this initiative, the first Valued Partners Philanthropy Network was created, through which two scholarships were awarded for the Leaders of Tomorrow program, said Morales.

A group of more than 20 partners raised close to 3 million pesos towards both of the scholarships in this program, which supports talented young people with a 100% scholarship to pursue a degree at the institution, he said.

The beneficiaries of this first edition were Mélanie Márquez, a Mechatronics Engineering student at the Monterrey campus, and Yara García, who is studying the Medical Degree program at the Mexico City campus.

He added that some of the charity partners were invited to the 10th edition of the Opening Ceremony of Leaders of Tomorrow, where they met with young scholars and learned more about the program.

“We learned so much from the pilot program; we hope that more Valued Partners will join us to achieve our next objective; to bring in 4 million pesos for a perpetual scholarship,” said the director.




- Tec Volunteering: school restoration

Through Tec Volunteering actions, Valued Partners join institution staff to give their time and contribute to restoring school spaces.

In the last year, 20 commercial partners participating in this initiative supported the restoration of spaces in 10 schools.

“For example, in December, we sponsored Technical Middle School 50 in the Apodaca municipality of Nuevo León. There were approximately 130 of us; around 50% of whom were Valued Partners and their employees,” explained Morales.

In addition to restoration activities such as painting and cleaning, some partners donated computer equipment and furniture.

“All of these contributions were from our Valued Partners who were invited to be part of this Tec initiative. They are partners who are interested in and committed to initiatives benefiting society,” he said.


Valued Partners join institution staff in Tec Volunteering activities.
Socios de Valor se suman a colaboradores de la institución en actividades de Voluntariado Tec.

- Training partners: committed to education

Some vendors and business associates have also joined as training partners in the Tec21 Educational Model, to develop and professionally train students.

Private sector institutions, governments, and civil organizations act as Tec de Monterrey’s Training Partners and, together with professors, they design challenges to help students develop skills for the job market.

“We currently have 500 suppliers (throughout Mexico) who are connected with the institution, with whom the students will participate in solving challenges,” he said.

Valued Partners give suggestions and alongside professors, design flexible learning challenges so that students can develop their skills.

The Tec21 Model, is a flexible, competency-based learning model, providing inspiring professors, and a memorable university experience.

Training Partners’ commitments include:

  • Contributing to solving problems or real situations in the organization.
  • Collaborating with professors and coordinators to face challenges within their company that contribute to the student’s skill development.
  • Opening their company or organization’s doors to collaborate with students and professors.
  • Providing staff, time, and resources to facilitate the implementation of the challenge according to the agreed terms.


- Sustainability: responsible sourcing and climate action

Through the Valued Partners strategy, the institution also carries out initiatives that promote sustainability, as outlined in Ruta Azul, its sustainability and climate change plan for 2025.

One of them is the Sustainable Sourcing program, which promotes responsible sourcing in terms of sustainability.

“As part of this program, a Sustainable Sourcing Catalog was proposed to provide product options to help tackle the carbon footprint,” he said.

This initiative also includes the purchase of 27 hybrid and four electric vehicles which are distributed on various campuses, as well as the purchase of 30 electric motorbikes.

Another example of the actions carried out through the relationship with these partners is the agreement signed with CEMEX to establish a circular model.

“An old 15,000-cubic-meter residential building was demolished (on the Monterrey campus), with the circular model in mind. We are going to reuse the cement in other Tec projects, and the other materials such as the metals, are going to another supplier to be separated,” he explained.

The director also highlighted that good practices are also promoted with Valued Partners to measure how sustainable they are, such as whether they implement actions to tackle pollutants and if they use sustainable energy.


Valued Partners participate in philanthropy initiatives such as the Leaders of Tomorrow program.
Socios de Valor participan en iniciativas de filantropía como el programa Líderes del Mañana.

- Diversity: awareness raising and support for SMEs

Through strategic partnerships with organizations and initiatives such as Equidad MX, programs are carried out to generate actions for change in their companies in favor of diversity and inclusion.

For example, in the Global Labor Equity Program 70 of Tec’s value partners have applied for mentoring and awareness-raising.

Morales added that the initiative also aims to promote the diversity of the institution’s vendors, 90% of which are small and medium-sized companies.

“We want to figure out how to help SMEs more. For example, by identifying expenses that can be allocated to the most vulnerable group or allocating a higher percentage of funds so that they can develop.

“Recently, we formed a board at Caintra, in Monterrey, to figure out how we can provide more support to small and medium-sized companies, without costing the Tec more,” said the director.

CAINTRA is the business organization that represents Nuevo León’s industrialists.



Tec creates certification for its Valued Partners

In addition to these initiatives, Tec has a certification that strengthens its relationship with these commercial partners.

“There is a group of valued partners that have been certified due to having a more integral connection with the Tec; they go even further on issues such as sustainability immersed in social support and volunteering, diversity, and philanthropy,” said Morales.

Strategic sourcing has indicators to assess the business relationship and the actions of valued partners with the Tec to grant this certification in three levels: platinum, gold, and silver.

Institutions with this distinction receive an award, a certificate, and a badge that they can publish on their profiles and social media, identifying them as Tec Valued Partners.

There are other benefits that companies can obtain with this accreditation, such as employees of partners also benefitting from some of the agreements for Tec staff.

For example, Morales mentioned tuition discounts in Continuing Education programs or Tecmilenio, among other agreements.

In addition, partners awarded with the certification also participate in the annual Adding Value event, where their efforts and best practices in their relationship with the Tec are recognized.




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