Through Liderly, the Tec’s Digital Academy offers courses, mentoring, and job opportunities for people who specialize in digital and IT skills.
By Susan Irais | Redacción Nacional de CONECTA - 04/15/2024 Photo Courtesy of Alejandro Hernández, Shutterstock


Liderly, a digital learning and employability ecosystem created by Tecnológico de Monterrey, has partnered with three new companies: Salesforce, Udemy, and Henry.

This means a wider selection of courses, coaching, and job opportunities for digital and IT skills specialists.

According to Jorge Azzario, Director of the Tec’s Digital Academy, this type of agreement contributes significantly to closing the digital talent gap in organizations:

“These partnerships enhance our unique provision of learning and employability. They allow us to develop talent with the most in-demand skills and competencies in the market and to connect them with quality companies.”


Signing the Henry-Liderly partnership. Photo: Courtesy of Alejandro Estrella.
Firma del convenio con Henry


More courses and career opportunities

During the first half of the year, the Digital Academy’s Liderly signed partnerships with Salesforce, Udemy, and Henry. Alejandro Estrella, Partner Relationship Manager, describes the details of each of the agreements:

- Salesforce

Salesforce is a cloud-based software company providing software; customer relationship management applications; customer service; marketing automation; e-commerce; analytics; and application development.

Partnership with this company increases the number of Liderly courses and offers more than 700 job opportunities for talent specializing in these areas, as well as certified coaches who can certify more people.

“We work with Salesforce to train and certify people who we then connect to their respective partner and customer ecosystems,” says Azzario.


“We aim to close the talent gap in the digital world” - Alejandro Estrella.


- Henry

From Argentina, Henry is an expert academy for technology careers, offering courses in development, data science, data analytics, and soon cybersecurity.

They have a very large community of certified engineers in Latin America who are open to work,” says Estrella.

In this partnership, Henry provides Liderly with profiles of its graduates and Liderly helps place them in jobs based on their specializations.

“Henry allows us to bring in additional talent, who are highly specialized in technology positions, to connect with our ecosystem of companies,” says Jorge Azzario.


- Udemy

Udemy is a learning platform with online courses that are updated monthly on technology topics. In this case, Liderly will offer Udemy content.

“We’ll share their courses on our platform, but we enrich them according to our course structure. For example, we add soft skills and a coach,” says Alejandro Estrella.

“Through the partnership with Udemy, we complement the quality content generated by Tec de Monterrey and Tecmilenio with thousands of additional items of educational content, which are highly valued by millions of customers,” adds Azzario.

What’s more, Liderly provides customized learning pathways with feedback from employers.

These three new partnerships will be added to the existing partnerships with Amazon Web Service and Zoho. The short-term goal is to expand into Latin America, says Alejandro Estrella.


Lecture about Udemy given by members of Liderly. Photo: Courtesy of Alejandro Estrella.
alianza udemy


What is Liderly?

Liderly is a digital learning and employability ecosystem created by Tecnológico de Monterrey, which contains courses that are 100% aimed at digital and IT skills.

It is accessible to the general public, offering courses in cybersecurity, development, and data science. The idea is for people to study several micro-courses to get a specialization.

“At Liderly, we aim to close the talent gap in the digital world. There is currently a great demand for 100% digital and IT-oriented profiles, and we want to give them opportunities so that our talent stays in the country,’ says Alejandro.

Liderly analyzes each profile and identifies the level of people’s skills and areas of opportunity.

It also connects talent with employment opportunities and suggests customized learning pathways to develop the skills each person needs.


“These partnerships enhance our unique provision of learning and employability.” - Jorge Azzario


How to access Liderly

Those interested in accessing the micro-courses offered by the Tec’s Digital Academy through Liderly can access them by following the steps below:

  • Enter Liderly
  • Sign up for free.
  • Update your profile.
  • Browse the courses.
  • Create a learning pathway.
  • Discover and apply for available job opportunities.





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