You can take free courses in 6 areas. Learn about them here and sign up before March 13.
By Ricardo Treviño | National News Desk - 03/09/2020

Personal finance, team leadership, and quality of service are some of the online courses that Tec de Monterrey offers you at no cost if you’re a graduate of this institution.

Noemí Villarreal, Director of Further Digital Education at the Vice-Rector’s Office for Academic Affairs and Educational Innovation, pointed out that these programs were chosen to strengthen links with graduates.

“These are training or update programs, either in graduates’ areas of specialization or in areas they wish to reinforce,” she added.


Existen 6 áreas en las que, como EXATEC, puedes capacitarte de manera gratuita



Villarreal said that Tec graduates can enroll in units called Pathways (Trayectos), which consist of four or five courses.

The Pathways you can take for free are:

  1. Leading high-performance teams

- Teams and synergy

- Forming a team

- Stages of team development

- How to lead work teams effectively

- High performance teams

  1. Personal Finance

- Time value of money concepts

- Investment and savings instruments

- Financing instruments

- Insurance and pensions

- Personal finance plans

  1. Sales force development, leadership, and motivation

- Introduction: identifying customer types

- Sales force recruitment and selection

- Sales area environment and motivation

- Service synergy and teamwork

- Creativity and disruptive innovation 

  1. Tools for analyzing and transforming the organizational culture

- Strategic vision

- Values, agreements, and organizational integration

- Empowerment, teamwork, and skills development

- Adaptability, change and organizational learning

  1. Quality of customer service

- Fundamentals of quality of service

- Designing service experiences

- Measuring quality of service

- Service systems innovation

  1. Marketing and sales techniques

- Negotiating techniques

- Marketing techniques

- Sales cycle

- Sales management


Los cursos gratis que ofrece el Tec a sus egresados forman parte de unidades llamadas Trayectos


Each course lasts approximately 4 hours, so to finish a Pathway you will need an estimated time of 15 to 20 hours.

These courses are hosted on the Success Factors platform, where you can manage learning at your own pace through texts, infographics, and multimedia content.

If needed, you’ll also have tutorials and expert advice at your fingertips to guide you throughout the course.

Once enrolled, you’ll have a period of 90 calendar days to complete and pass your courses.


You should send an email to in order to access the courses and obtain detailed information.

You’ll receive a link via email to a page where you can enter your details and register on the platform.

The deadline for enrollment is Friday, March 13.



Villarreal pointed out that these units or Pathways are part of a full diploma, and you’ll obtain a digital certificate when you pass them.

You can use this certificate to revalidate courses if you want to obtain the full diploma.

As a Tec graduate, you’re also eligible for a discount if you wish to take the entire diploma course.




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