They have joined forces to create the Embedded Systems Laboratory and develop students’ software skills for the mobility industry.
By Karina Robles | Guadalajara Campus - 05/14/2024 Photo Bernardo Saldaña & Carlos González

Tec Guadalajara and Bosch, a world-leading supplier of technology and services, have joined forces to create the Embedded Systems Laboratory with the aim of improving student’s software development skills for the mobility industry.

The Bosch-Tec de Monterrey Embedded Systems Laboratory will be working in the areas of robotics and electronics, but with an emphasis on automotive engineering innovation.

Similarly, it will enhance engineering knowledge through educational, high-level research, and outreach projects carried out in the laboratory.

For Claudia Félix, Vice President of the Tec’s Western Region, the inauguration of this laboratory marks a significant milestone in our commitment to academic excellence and preparing our students for the challenges of the future.

“It isn’t just a physical space equipped with cutting-edge technology; it’s also a collaborative learning environment where innovation and creativity will be fostered,” she said.



Project presentations by students in the newly inaugurated laboratory. Photo: Bernardo Saldaña
Laboratorio Bosch sistemas embebidos inaugurado en el Tec Guadalajara.


Young talent: the future for companies

The lab includes:

  • An all-terrain vehicle for testing
  • Electronic development boards for hardware
  • 5 machines for implementing algorithms, safety systems, hardware, and software
  • A 108 m2 space dedicated to developing and implementing cutting-edge technologies

For Girish Murahari, Vice President of Bosch Global Software Technologies Mexico, “Young people are an asset to the country. They’re the future of any company and technology, which is where we’re looking to maximize Mexican talent.”

“That’s why we’re sowing a seed in these young people to ensure that we have the right people and projects to contribute to technology and innovation,” said Murahari.

What’s more, Alfonso Pompa, Jalisco State Secretary of Innovation, Science, and Technology (SICyT), shared that this laboratory is an example of the collaboration that exists in Jalisco’s innovation, science, and technology ecosystem.

“Bosch is a company that sets the example of a collaborative ecosystem in many instances, through its liaison and many outreach projects with universities, but also with constant active participation in this entire ecosystem,” he explained.



Alexander Firsching, President of Bosch Mexico, talks to Tec students during the laboratory’s inauguration. Photo: Bernardo Saldaña
Laboratorio Bosch sistemas embebidos inaugurado en el Tec Guadalajara.


Technical development and professional training

“The importance of this collaboration lies in the impact it has on our students’ technical development. By working closely with a leading company like Bosch, they have access to resources, knowledge, and opportunities that enrich their learning experience,” added Félix.

She also indicated that the laboratory will be a research and development center, where Tec students and professors will work on advanced projects that contribute to the advancement of knowledge in the field of embedded systems.

The results of this research will not only benefit the academic community, but also the industry and society in general, the director shared.

Linda Medina, Western Region Dean of the Tec’s School of Engineering and Sciences (EIC), said that this partnership will provide students with a world-class education in embedded systems and will also foster research and innovation.

Embedded systems are the backbone of modern technology. From medical devices to autonomous vehicles, from smart home devices to drones, these systems play a fundamental role in our daily lives,” she said.


Tec, Bosch, and Jalisco officials at the ribbon cutting ceremony during the laboratory’s inauguration. Photo: Carlos González
Laboratorio Bosch sistemas embebidos inaugurado en el Tec Guadalajara.

Alexander Firsching, President of Bosch Mexico, emphasized that “Bosch is committed to students’ academic growth and strengthening our partnerships with educational institutions in Mexico.”

That’s why it currently has collaboration agreements with 33 universities, which he said offer valuable opportunities for practical learning, professional development programs, and scholarships.

More than ever before, students are our future. If we don’t want learning to remain theoretical, we need laboratories like this for them to get to work,” he concluded.


“By working closely with a leading company like Bosch, they have access to resources, knowledge, and opportunities.” - Claudia Félix


Tec and Bosch officials in the inaugurated laboratory.
Laboratorio Bosch sistemas embebidos inaugurado en el Tec Guadalajara.


Jorge Pérez, Western Region Director of the Mechatronics department at the Tec, shared that the laboratory will mainly benefit the Mechatronics Engineering and Robotics and Digital Systems Engineering programs.

“And thanks to the cross disciplinarity that we’ll have, students of Innovation and Development Engineering and Mechanical Engineering will be able to participate in the space,” he explained.

“It will allow us to learn about and apply technologies currently used by companies, in this case at Bosch. And thanks to this, their transition into working life will be enhanced,” explained Pérez.

He also explained that, from the first semester, students from different EIC programs will participate in solving real-world applications that are still in development.

Finally, the university officials expressed that they expect constant liaison between the educational institution and the company to generate or attract academic and research projects, as well as internships at Bosch.






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