Learn about the different study techniques you can use to learn better this back-to-school season.
By Cynthia Peña | CONECTA National News Desk - 08/23/2023 Photo Omar Moreno, Shutterstock

Studying can be a very difficult activity if you do not know the most appropriate study technique for you.

A study technique can be defined as a strategy incorporated into study habits that facilitate the acquisition of learning, according to Minerva Cardona, leader of Academic Improvement at the Monterrey campus.

“To determine the best study technique, it is important to recognize how much you know about the subject you’re going to learn.

“If it’s a topic that you like and is easy for you, your technique very well might be accompanied by something that you have already practiced before. If not, you could start to generate a habit to learn the contents,” the expert recommends.

Una técnica de estudio es una estrategia que se incorpora a los hábitos.


Conoce cuál método de estudio se acopla mejor a ti

Find out which study method is best suited to you

Here are some study techniques you can put into practice to improve your academic performance:

1.     Pomodoro technique

2.     Cornell method

3.     Mind maps

4.     Mnemonics

5.     Explain the topic

6.     Flashcards

7.     Study groups

8.     Podcasts

9.     Comparative tables

10.  Time organization



1. Pomodoro technique

The pomodoro technique consists of dividing study time into 25-minute intervals with a 5-minute break between each interval. You take a longer rest after 4 intervals.

This technique will help you a lot if you know how to prioritize tasks and concentrate without being easily distracted.

“The arrangement of these sessions has to be planned. Two things are important: one is knowing what you’re going to do in your session, how you’re going to plan it, how much time you have, what your objective is, and how you’re going to get there; and the other is when,” remarked Minerva.

There are tools to manage this study technique effectively, including Focus To-Do and Pomodoro Timer.


2. Cornell method

You use this method to efficiently interpret and memorize the notes you take in class.

To do this, it is important to divide a sheet of paper into two different sections: you take conventional notes in one section, and you write down keywords or questions in the other.

Finally, when you are studying, make a summary of the content of the class. This way you will be able to retain the information as you consult your notes and try to answer the questions you asked earlier.


3. Mind maps

Mind maps represent ideas, words, drawings, images, and other elements that relate to a central idea or concept.

This tool is very useful to learn better by visualizing contents in an organized way.

Mindmeister is an online mind-mapping software that helps you enter, develop, and share ideas graphically.


Los mapas mentales funcionan como técnica de estudio para las personas visuales.



4. Mnemonics

It is possible through this technique to associate images or keywords with the concept being studied.

Mnemonics are useful for remembering complex ideas; however, practice is needed to master it because it requires the ability to easily associate elements.

“It works when you understand everything that you’re going to involve in the concept so you can relate it. The elements must be your own and meaningful to you. Don’t confuse yourself by using a lot of elements, but select the basic elements,” added the Academic Improvement Leader.


5. Explain the topic

Explaining the topic you are studying will give you a higher level of understanding because you come up with your own conclusions and you are able to check what you already know.

“This has to do with previous understanding since it means that you make the knowledge yours, that you understood it, and when you repeat it to someone else, a very important process called metacognition occurs,” said Minerva.


6. Flaschards

You can use this learning tool to ask yourself questions about the content you are studying.

If you want to study on your own, you can use the Flashcards World application and create multiple flashcards.

You can also use flashcards in group sessions, and this way other people can help you review and memorize information.


7. Study groups

If you enjoy discussing ideas with others, getting to know different opinions, asking questions, and finding answers, then study groups are for you.

Through this technique, other people can help you understand the subject in a more complete way; however, it is important to make sure there is discipline and organization among the members of the group to effectively carry out this technique.

“The study group approach is very important because everyone can contribute, but the most important thing is to set a goal for the group, know the objective of what you want to achieve in the session, and how soon,” said Cardona.

To organize these study groups, you can use tools such as Google Calendar to schedule sessions and other tools such as Trello, Notion, or Jamboard to delegate tasks and work collectively.


La disciplina y organización son importantes en los grupos de estudio.


8. Podcasts

Podcasts are very useful for learning information related to the content you are studying.

If you learn best aurally, then using podcasts to study the content of your class will be very helpful.

You can find podcasts on the topic you are studying on platforms such as Spotify or YouTube.


9. Comparative tables

If you are interested in classifying complex information and comparing two or more elements in a graphical and organized way, then comparative tables will help you a lot.

According to Minerva, using this technique depends a lot on the style of each subject, and it is important to recognize which visual elements work best for each one.

“You can start playing with techniques that are more visual. You can use shapes or concepts, use colored pencils or pens, and decide whether to do it on the board or on the computer. This will help you to internalize the learning,” she added.

10. Time organization

In order to learn in an efficient manner, you need to organize your time properly.

To do this, set aside a specific time of day to study.

“Making a structured, fixed study schedule can help you a lot to generate the habit of constancy and perseverance that all habits require,” added Cardona.

It is also important to take into account the dates of the different exams in order to organize your study hours in advance.

You can use the Exam Countdown application to get organized and keep track of important dates.


Es importante agendar un tiempo específico para estudiar.


Recommendations to study better

Finally, the Academic Improvement leader at the Monterrey campus recommended some key actions to improve your academic performance:

1.     Set a goal.

2.     Plan your study sessions.

3.     Use a calendar, whether it be physical or digital.

4.     Rest.

5.     Set aside a clean and ventilated study area.

6.     Eliminate distractions when studying.

7.     Congratulate yourself and recognize good work.

8.     Have good communication with your teachers.

9.     Reinforce the habit of studying through practice.

“If you don’t meet your study hours one day, it’s okay. You can start again the next day. These are small changes that help us build the habit,” said Minerva.





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