Face-to-face classes under the HyFlex+Tec Model are 100% voluntary: students can choose 100% distance learning or hybrid classes, which will gradually return to in-person activities.
By Ricardo Treviño | CONECTA News Desk - 07/22/2020

¿Qué es lo que debes saber para tu regreso o ingreso a clases en el Tec de Monterrey?

What do you need to know for your return to or start of classes at Tec de Monterrey?

For next semester, the first thing you have to do is choose one of the two HyFlex+Tec Model options: distance learning, with online classes; or hybrid, with a mix of distance learning and in-person activities.

Whatever your decision, classes will begin on August 10th and 100% of classes will be given in the distance learning format in both cases for at least the first month.

From September onwards, the hybrid format will gradually begin at different campuses, when the epidemiological alert level allows it. 

If necessary, you could complete your semester 100% via distance learning in the event that the pandemic prevents in-person learning.

Restarting in-person activities at the Tec will comply with the strictest safe distance and health standards.

Likewise, the highest level of commitment and group responsibility will be required from all students, faculty, and staff in order to take care of the community and respect protocols.

The Tec has created a special Planned Return mini-site with more information about this.


Las aulas estarán ocupadas al 50 por ciento por estudiantes.



The HyFlex+Tec Model is a hybrid and flexible educational experience, allowing you to complete the semester in the way you choose.

Paulina Campos, the Tec’s COVID-19 leader, suggests in an interview with CONECTA that you should start by evaluating your particular situation if you don’t know which format to select.

“If you or someone in your family is at risk, or if you are a student at campus which is not near your place of residence, the distance learning format could be an excellent option, she says.

Campos, who is coordinating the institution’s Planned Reopening plan in response to the pandemic, explained that the Tec will continue its LiFE activities for your cultural, athletic and personal development through LiFE@Home, with options that can be taken advantage of remotely.

In addition, as part of the hybrid format, some of these activities may become in-person activities, depending on the epidemiological alert level at each Tec campus.


Los estudiantes podrán completar el semestre en línea.



Students will enter campuses through sanitary checkpoints, and must also comply with safety protocols in classrooms, offices, and common areas.

“We have a very clear goal: to protect the health of all members of the Tec community, minimizing risks, and guaranteeing an excellent level of academic continuity,Campos said.

“The Tec has prepared for the return with protocols and guidelines developed in collaboration with TecSalud, and following best practice guidelines published by international bodies such as the WHO,” she added.

There are 3 guiding principles that Tec will put in place during its planned return to the new normal:


- Health and wellbeing for the Tec community

A planned reopening with the necessary protocols to safeguard your health and that of all the members of the Tec community, such as adapted spaces, health checkpoints, and hygiene measures.

- Gradual implementation

The return to campuses will be gradual, taking into account official statements relating to this.

- Encouraging responsibility

In the new normal, you will have to develop new hygiene habits and health measures in a responsible, caring, civic-minded and common-sense way; taking care of yourself so as to take care of others.


Filtro sanitario



Before returning to in-person activities, you will have to undertake 14 days of isolation, complete the course “My commitment to well-being” and answer the self-diagnosis questionnaire, “Caring for our health”, available on MiTec.

In addition, you must fill out a questionnaire regarding your health status every day through an app which will protect your personal data.

Classes will begin on Monday, August 10th, and the last day of activities is planned for December 11th for those following the Tec21 Model, and the 8th of that month for previous plans.


Filtro sanitario


What must you do if you have activities on campus in the hybrid format?


- Campus life

Depending on the number of your courses, you will only have to be on campus for 2 or 3 days a week. You will know from the beginning which days and times your activities will be.

You will have to wear a face mask throughout your time on campus, use hand sanitizer, wash your hands frequently, and keep 1.5 meters away from other people.

You should take into account that entering campuses will now take longer due to the health checkpoints.

You must respect the restrictions in areas such as the library or cafeteria, as neither must exceed 30% of their regular capacity. Classrooms will have a maximum occupancy which is 50% of their regular capacity.

You will not be able to express displays of affection involving physical contact or share school supplies and personal items. We recommend that you use the “Tec Greeting”.

You must keep your study or work area clean, well-ventilated, and disinfected.


-Know your status and obtain your access code

Before classes, you will have to answer a health questionnaire in the app, and then get a QR code that you will show when you arrive at the health checkpoint at the campus entrance.

At the health checkpoint, your temperature, and your use of the face mask will be checked and you will be given hand sanitizer.

On your departure from the campus you will have to go through the sanitary filter again to check your temperature and your QR code.

After classes, we recommend that you go directly to your home and avoid public places and social gatherings.

If, when answering the questionnaire, your QR code turns red: you must stay home, see a doctor, and contact TQueremos.


Tendrás que guardar distancia de 1.5 metros de otras personas.



The Tec has created the Planned Return micro site with all the information that will help with this process, explained the coordinator.

“There, we explain in detail what the semester will be like, what you have to do before leaving your house, when you enter the campus, during your time on campus, and what we expect when you leave campus, which is very important: it’s a complete process,” she added.

On the website, you can find information and guides for your return such as:


- Planned Return

This contains information you need about the use of spaces, services, and facilities, such as medical services, LiFE spaces and activities, cafeterias, and libraries.


- Questions and answers

This is a space for frequently asked questions from students, in case you have doubts about things such as how many days a week you will have class, or what happens if there is an outbreak.


- Support Fund

This emergency fund is designed to support students and their families during the crisis caused by the pandemic. In March, more than 9,500 grants were provided, and the fund will be activated again in August.


In addition to the micro site, Campos suggested staying informed through the app, social media, and official Tec channels.

Don’t forget that you can request socio-emotional support at any time through the helpline and the Taking Care of Your Mind initiative.




Campos said that we need to develop a new culture of prevention to keep ourselves and others healthy, as well as ensure academic continuity.

“The next semester won’t be the same as previous semesters: there will be new challenges. We need to develop a sense of responsibility among all members of our community: ‘I take care of myself and you take care of yourself’. We all need to look after each other,she commented.

The coordinator said that, in addition to the protocols, guidelines and adaptation of spaces, it is essential that everyone does their part so the new normal will work.

“That is the key: we are preparing ourselves, but we need you to join us and form a responsible community which will mean we have a much safer place with fewer risks.

The Tec has made a big effort to implement the necessary protocols: it will adapt both classrooms and campuses. But what happens if we leave campus and don’t respect the preventative measures? We have to put a lot of emphasis on being careful during activities off-campus, too,” she concluded.



- If you are a Tec21 Model student

July 17th was the last day to choose your courses and learning format, so you should have already received a proposed timetable.

Remember that you have until Friday, July 31st to confirm the proposed timetable for next semester.

Take into account that the entire first period (the first 5 weeks and Tec Week) will be taught via distance learning.

In week 7 (from September 21st) if conditions and the health alert level in your area permit this, you can begin using the hybrid format and take in-person classes.


- If you are a student following a pre-2019 syllabus

The registration process for these students will take place between July 27th and 31st. Each campus will provide more specific information, as well as dates and times for your timetable.

The process for selecting your timetable will take place in the SIDI registration system. For each group, you must specify whether you will use the distance learning or hybrid format.

The slots for timetables will be available on MiTec from Wednesday, July 22nd. 

You can consult a brief introductory module, so you can learn about HyFlex+Tec is, before July 24th.

If you have queries, you can contact us using the following channels, Monday to Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. (central Mexico time).

  • Telephone: 800 112 2022
  • Email: puntoazul@itesm.mx
  • WhatsApp (text messages only): 8116255123





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