This endorses that the brand is recognized by most consumers and will therefore allow protection of its use
By Omar Moreno | CONECTA News Desk - 12/04/2019

 The names Tecnológico de Monterrey, Tec and Tec de Monterrey were recognized as “Famous Brands” by the Mexican Institute of Industrial Property (Instituto Mexicano de la Propiedad Industrial, IMPI).

According to the Industrial Property Act, this status is given when most consumers can identify the brand name and it may no longer be registered by anyone else for any other purpose.

Tec de Monterrey now becomes the first university in Mexico to receive this status.


Ceremonia de distinción de "Marca Famosa" en el Tec de Monterrey


Recognition was given on December 4 by Juan Lozano Tovar, Director General of IMPI, in the library of the Monterrey campus with members of the university in attendance.

The Tec holds 5th place in Mexico for patent production. The more brands and patents companies or universities have, the more relevant they are,” Lozano said.

The Director General of IMPI noted that the Tec had to undergo a rigorous procedure to demonstrate the brand’s relevance and prestige in order to obtain this distinction.

For Salvador Alva, President of Tec de Monterrey, the value of the Tec brand lies in its unique trajectory that has honed its purpose.

“(The brand) carries with it our 76-year old history and values. Just as a brand takes time to build, there is a commitment to maintaining it,” he said.

Rodolfo Rubio, Vice President of Communication and Image at the Tec, also voiced his opinion as to the importance of this distinction.

This recognizes the great impact that the Tec brand has, and a brand is not just a logo or assets but is something intangible dwelling in people’s hearts and minds.”


La Comunidad Tec asistió a la ceremonia de entrega de reconocimiento como Marca Famosa



  • The IMPI awards “Famous Brand” status based on the Industrial Property Act.
  • This distinction was awarded to the Tec, Tec de Monterrey, and Tecnológico de Monterrey brands.
  • The following considerations were among those taken into account for obtaining it: the length of time the brand has been used in Mexico and abroad, the means by which the brand has been disseminated throughout the country and abroad, and the brand value.
  • Famous brand status tends to provide advantages when prosecuting cases of unauthorized registrations and protects the institution from the use of similar names.
  • This means that if any other person wishes to use the names Tec or Tecnológico de Monterrey, permission is simply denied.

Photos: Udell Jiménez




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