Education December 15, 2020 “New mathematics”: expert proposes leaving the solution to computers British technologist Conrad Wolfram gave a talk on how to use computers to learn mathematics at the International Conference on Educational Innovation.
Education December 14, 2020 Hybrid education: Tec rector analyzes post-covid future for education David Garza, Tec de Monterrey’s rector and president, spoke about the future of education and its post-COVID-19 challenges.
Institution June 12, 2020 Tec discusses role of universities after COVID at World Economic Forum Rector David Garza set out the challenges facing the world’s universities in the post-covid era and what Tec de Monterrey can contribute in a dialog held by the World Economic Forum.
Education February 16, 2020 Excellent! Tec receives e-Learning award in Spain In Spain, Tecnológico de Monterrey received the 2020 APeL Award for Excellence in e-Learning in the education sector.